Marnie Schulenburg - Rest in Peace

Today would have been Marnie Schulenburg's 38th birthday. As you know, Marnie was taken from us on Tuesday way too soon. Her family have started a GoFundMe page to support her husband Zack and her two-year old daughter, Coda.

I hope you'll consider making a donation in honor of Marnie on her birthday.

From her family:

Our family lost the most precious soul this week. Today would have been her 38th birthday. She has been fighting a rare form of breast cancer like a badass for two years. Marnie’s untimely diagnosis came at the beginning of the pandemic when her daughter was only 5 months old. Even during her darkest times, her love, light, positive attitude and tenacity inspired every one of us. She is survived by her loving husband Zack and their two year old daughter Coda who need our help. Many of us are hurting so badly and looking for a way to help. We have decided that the most beneficial way to show our love and support would be through donations for this young family as they learn to navigate this world without her. Please give what you can. Happy birthday Marnie. We love and miss you.


Three Years!


A Tribute to the one and only, Lisa Brown!